l to r: Nancy Nepa Panaro, Sandy Poole
Rondepierre, Jean Smith Vanderheiden, Anne Sauers
Hurlock, Howard Rosen, Phylis Simione Williams, Sue
Klein Wright, Gretchen Gravell Broadwater, Steve Caney,
Doug Watson, June Stringer Rietdorf, Evarett Shtofman,
Bob Zebley, Fred Handelman, Libbie Sommers Soffer, Bob
Rickards, Elaine Padolsky Heverin, Fred Kagel, Arnie
Drescher, Naomi Blam Clark, Jay Hudson, and John Savage. |
Bob Rickards Greetings
Porky Oliver Luncheon - Oct. 5, 2024
(To view, mouse over picture below,
then click on play button)
Unabridged Video Greeting
Joe Harkins
(To view, mouse over picture below,
then click on play button)
Letter to the Class
from Don & Betty Goldstein
We were so fortunate to
attend one of the best, if not the best, public high
school in the state of Delaware. Times have changed
as they do every decade. But wasn't it great to have
neighborhoods where kids played together, where we
were innocent and had respect and trust, where we
talked things out with people that we disagreed with.
As Archie and Edith Bunker used to say "Those were the
and I wish you all Health and Happiness and thank you
for attending the 65th Year Class Reunion. Love you
Hello from NH
on this very special day!!
from the 'younger' Rickard twin

Present and past comments
from other classmates ...
Bob Vair once complained, "Can't get a cheese steak in
Ohio. Charcoal Pit brought back memories.
Say hi to all and thanks
for putting up with me all these years."
Sandy Stayton Raughley: "Our reunions are always fun"
Sandi Hurlong
reflected on the good teachers
and enjoyable activities at PS that helped shape her
From Trudy Gilgenast:
I certainly enjoyed my years of teaching [at PS] -
such great students that all of you were!
Alles Gute!
Be sure the class has your latest contact information
Class of

Doug Watson and ...
Yearbook -online

Courtesy of Ray Richardson

Courtesy of
June Stringer Rietdorf
Click on the Play Button above
(Internet Explorer only for now)
♪Hail To Thee♪
Arranged by June Stringer Rietdorf
Played by Judy Kagel
Oh, Alma Mater, glorious,
To thee we raise our song.
Thy loyal sons and daughters
Are valiant, true and strong.
Blue and Gray, we honor thee;
Oh, lead us on today.
Hail, duPont High School,
Lead us on to victory!
Chorus: Hail, Alma Mater,
Royal Blue and Gray.
Hail, duPont High School,
Thy Spirit lives for aye.
May thy children e'er be loyal,
Thy glory never fail!
Hail, duPont High School,
Alma Mater, hail!
We DID IT! Can you
Believe? YES!!!
We shared
memories, laughs, a confession or two; played PS Trivia
and even sang our school song and grunted out a
Send your photos and
videos to
PSdupont59@gmail.com. Check your email for updates!
Thanks to all who attended and who made the trip down
memory lane of our collective experiences memorable. A
special thanks goes to those who were unable to attend
but who were our cheerleaders -- to have 'fun'! We did.
Video Slide Show of
65+ Years of Our Lives
(To view, mouse over picture below,
then click on play button)

We know these past years have been difficult ones for
many of us.
“We can all say a prayer for those who have turned the
page in our collective journey called LIFE.” -- Bob
Not simply 'classmates' -- but life-long friends --
classmates whom we recently found out that they had
passed away.
Judy Morris Armstrong, Janice Smith Atwell, Gail Trebow
Capp, Tony Diamond, Lynda Jacobs, Cynthia Jobling,
Ronald Kitzmiller, Mary Lucas Lutes, Jim Mathews, Bonnie
Ellingsworth Reeder, Linda Denenberg Seidenstat, Edward
"Ted" (Teddy) Webber, Harold V. "Woody" Woodin
Click for →
Photos and Obituaries
On the topic of retirement, Paul
Simpson exclaimed he will never retire as he guides
other businesses to achieve their aspirations. More
recently, Paul moved to Asheville, North Carolina
right before Hurricane Milton. Paul is all right, but
said he has never seen anything like the damage he
only for a
reunion could conjure up the memories
of being 17 and 18-year olds again --- comfort zone
for some, awkwardness and challenges for others!
It's taken most of us a lifetime to really appreciate
the important things in life --- good health, family,
and friends!
As Libbie Sommers Soffer summed it up: "Life is a
Faithful Fan
g-father Pete Rickards reports that his twin
g-daughters were elected All State, (NH) field
hockey and basketball members for 2019.
Did he say, twins?
Indeed he
When questioned further, he said he can trace
back four sets of twins in his family including of
course brother Bob.
TRIVIA: How many sets of twins did the class of '59
taking a course about Bandstand and
Bob Clayton?
That is just what Fred Handelman did and he told us all about it at the Reunion!
Bob Clayton Reflects on American Bandstand and the
Passing of Dick Clark 4/18/2012
"A lot of people remember that as being the best time of
their lives."
(Click here to see
video clip of Bob's interview)
Bob Clayton
Bob passed away in 2017

Let's have a Boboski
As time marches on for all of us, the Reunion weekend
was organized to see "old" friends and to renew
relationships that have been special to all of us over
the years.
Relive the 60th
Reunion in an 8 min Slideshow!
(Turn on speakers and click
or tap on picture to play)

Be well, be safe, and be giving!
Photo by Bob McCaffrey
'Share' your
pictures, links with
Let us remember, let
us honor, and let us pray for our fellow classmates who
are no longer with us or whose health no longer
permitted them to join us for this occasion.
Also, if you have any
written memories, photographs, tape recordings, or
movies already on the Internet that you would like to
link to or to be placed on our website, contact
